Thank you for your interest in the Ardrey Kell High School Band Program.
CMS provides minimal and infrequent funding for high school band programs. Therefore, a band fee is charged to all students participating in a band class or in one of the competitive band ensembles (e.g. marching band, winter winds, winter guard). The band fee, along with funds obtained through fundraising, are used to pay the costs of the AK band program. Costs include compensation for supplemental staff, music and show development, instruments and equipment, attending competitions, and uniforms/costumes.
The AK Band Boosters are committed to making all band programs accessible to all students who want to participate. To facilitate this commitment, we offer financial aid to cover all or a portion of the band fees or other band-related costs for eligible students.
We realize the financial obligation for the band program may be heavy. If you have financial constraints, please complete the information below. You will be contacted by the Band Booster Assistant Treasurer or a Band Director to make alternative financial arrangements for your student. If you have questions, please contact the Booster Assistant Treasurer at